Thursday, 13 September 2012

Start paper recycling

Paper recycling is a great business idea for Ugandans. Its disheartening to know that almost all the paper used in Uganda is imported. If you are a Ugandan can you recall how much paper you have used so far in your life time. I bet all of it was not recycled and you used it once. Used paper in the country is mostly used for purposes like lighting the charcoal stove, wrapping goods  and as  toilet paper. There is a lot of used paper material for example examination and answer scripts in schools, students old books, newspapers, and office waste paper.

Just imagine if you can take all that unwanted used paper to make it into new paper. There is a great market for paper in the country mostly in publishing houses, printers,schools, offices and government agencies. But most of our paper material is imported from countries like South Africa and Thailand. Paper recycling would cut on importation and promote conservation of trees. It is a great business idea if you begin a paper recycling firm which has a ready market in the Ugandan market. Paper recycling is a great business idea for Ugandans. Its disheartening to know that almost all the paper used in Uganda is imported. If you are a Ugandan can you recall how much paper you have used so far in your life time. I bet all of it was not recycled and you used it once. Used paper in the country is mostly used for purposes like lighting the charcoal stove, wrapping goods  and as  toilet paper. There is a lot of used paper material for example examination and answer scripts in schools, students old books, newspapers, and office waste paper.

Just imagine if you can take all that unwanted used paper to make it into new paper. There is a great market for paper in the country mostly in publishing houses, printers,schools, offices and government agencies. But most of our paper material is imported from countries like South Africa and Thailand. Paper recycling would cut on importation and promote conservation of trees. It is a great business idea if you begin a paper recycling firm which has a ready market in the Ugandan market.
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