Friday, 28 September 2012

Offer seat-filling service

The number of people going to concerts, shows and other public functions is quite amazing. Wouldn't you like to tap into that and reap benefits. Many people go to concerts and shows with tickets prepaid. However, the tickets do not include reserved seats for the buyers. The seats are on a first come first serve basis.

Now imagine if you offer to keep seats for the ticket buyers at a small fee. You just have to cooperate with the concert organisers. People who buy tickets before can entrust you with them to let you keep their seats reserved. You can employ a few people who can seat fill and pay them a percentage from what the ticket owner paid you. Every one of us would like to go to a place when he knows that he is assured of a place to sit however big the audience may be.

Not much investment is required. All you need is the right connections to events organisers to let you advertise your service at their venue. You do not need to employ permanent workers, a pool of university students and freelancing models can give you a head start. You only contact them when there is a client who wants to keep his seat filled. The workers have to keep themselves looking good and dressing well.

It may not seem to pick in the beginning but with time people will begin to appreciate. You just have to keep your  work ethics suit your customers' satisfaction. Satisfied customers will market your service to to their networks and  may decide to make use of your services more often. Also employ advertising strategies like social networks and let your company be mentioned on concert promotional material.
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Monday, 24 September 2012

Design a website that appeals to a large group of people

Well designed websites can help the owner generate some income. A website on the internet has the potential to reach a worldwide audience. Any site that can attract a lot of visitors can also attract high advertising fees through helping promote other businesses.

You can make an informative website providing useful information to interested people for example about our culture. The popularity of your site can make you earn money through getting direct advertisers to pay you to advertise their products. Or you can join other advertising programs like Per-Per-Click and in-text advertising . You can join programs like Google Adsense and become an ad publisher which can earn you money for the traffic on your site.

Your site must include unique and original information which you can share with others. You can easily get cheap web designers and hosting. Or you can even get some DIY web designing soft-wares like Bluevoda. With the right SEO tricks and keywords your site will begin to attract a steady flow of traffic. You just have to keep updating your site to keep your readership.
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Thursday, 13 September 2012

Glass recycling

What usually happens when a pierce of glass breaks in your home. Throw it in the trash bin. Glass ware is one of the most expensive articles in any home. But any slight accident to it renders it fit for the trash bin. It will eventually end up at the dumping sites where it does not rot. That is not environmental friendly. The only solution to that is to recycle those pierces of broken glass into new pierces of glass ware.

Broken bottles, window and door glasses, glass cutlery and home furniture are good sources of raw materials. And most of all people happily disposes off any pierces of broken glass to prevent further accidents. Thus availing a cheap source of raw material to glass recycling.. All what is need is to invest a little in collecting and in the recycling apparatus plus the expertise. From these you can make new glass ware like glass artifacts, vases and bottles.
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Start paper recycling

Paper recycling is a great business idea for Ugandans. Its disheartening to know that almost all the paper used in Uganda is imported. If you are a Ugandan can you recall how much paper you have used so far in your life time. I bet all of it was not recycled and you used it once. Used paper in the country is mostly used for purposes like lighting the charcoal stove, wrapping goods  and as  toilet paper. There is a lot of used paper material for example examination and answer scripts in schools, students old books, newspapers, and office waste paper.

Just imagine if you can take all that unwanted used paper to make it into new paper. There is a great market for paper in the country mostly in publishing houses, printers,schools, offices and government agencies. But most of our paper material is imported from countries like South Africa and Thailand. Paper recycling would cut on importation and promote conservation of trees. It is a great business idea if you begin a paper recycling firm which has a ready market in the Ugandan market.
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Become a writer

You can decide to earn a living as a writer in Uganda. A lot of Ugandan youths do have jobs. A great idea for the unemployed Ugandan youth is to become a writer.

Have great interest in writing, why not become a proffesional writer. You can write on any of your interests. You can sell your work to media houses or web sites. Or you can write for others on sites like where jobs are posted and one is free to bid or any project. You can even write eBooks and sell them on the internet. Still you can be hired to post articles on blogs. This is something you can do at your own pace. You can decide to write full time or part time.
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Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Design your own range of personalised mugs

People give each other gifts every day in Uganda. An idea for business is to start making personalized mugs in Uganda.The type which have a variety of popular names printed on them. Even corporate companies sometimes can require to have personalized kitchenware for their employees.

They are also used at traditional introduction ceremonies. The kind where you put hot water and it displays other designs and personalised information. You just have to learn the art. Find a supplier of suitable display racks or a firm that can make them up for you. Have them placed in gift shops and other suitable outlets. Each personalised mug goes for about 50000/Ug shs.
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Make glass models for sale

This is an amazing business idea for Ugandan artists. You can make money making a variety of glass models.The models are used for a variety of purposes. For example, a large ice-cream cone could be used alongside the company sign of an ice-cream shop or manufacturer. The possibilities are numerous. If you think you have the skills or knowledge to set up this kind of business then make a business plan first and do some market research.

Customers can be found through canvassing ;commercial and industrial outlets. You can even book stands at trade fairs to market your goods. For example during the Uganda Manufacturer's Association annual trade fair at Lugogo UMA Show Ground.
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Duplicate Dvd’s and Cd’s in bulk

You can also consider selling blank dvd’s and cd’s in bulk, plus dvd and cd cases. You could also provide a design and print service for the cover design and printing of the customer’s dvd and cd inserts. Many people with recorded functions need copies and cover designs. Even some people who do video coverage do not have time for duplicating and designing covers and these can get you ready market. You can earn as much as 5000/shs on one copy. And duplicating machines can go for as low as 800000/shs on Kampala road. A simple desk-jet printer can do the cover prints well and these come very cheap. You just need capital of about 2.5 million shs and you are good to go.
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Start a business selling self-improvement Dvd’s and CD’s

This could be a suitable companion business to selling self-improvements books. Videos might include titles relating to keeping fit, losing weight, self-defense, make-up techniques and so on. CD’s might include topics such as `How to stop Smoking` etc.
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Start a garden maintenance service

Build up a regular round of customers whose gardens need to be kept in good order. This will involve weed control, pruning, hedge trimming, lawn mowing and edging. A good knowledge of plants and flowers will also be useful, where customers require advice and help in planning a colourful garden.
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Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Carpet cleaning is another service which is constantly in demand

A good income can be made from this type of business for those determined to succeed. The secret to success in the carpet cleaning business, as with many other types of business, is hard work. Try to do as many jobs a day as you can fit into your schedule. This means plenty of advertising, lots of referrals and effective door-to-door canvassing techniques. Obtain the best industrial type cleaning equipment you can afford, suitable for upholstery cleaning as well as carpets. If you do a good job on peoples` carpets they will often ask if you can clean their 3-piece suites as well. Make sure your prices remain competitive and plough some of the profits back into the business if you wish to expand further. Once you are firmly established, consider taking on contract work for customers who require regular cleaning services, such as restaurants, hotels, clubs and pubs.
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Start a mobile car servicing business

A good mechanic would find this an easy business to set up and run using a small van with a supply of popular items such as air filters, oil filters, spark plugs and brake pads etc., for servicing peoples` cars at their own home. It can save people time and money, and if you give a good service you will find that it won`t take long to build up a good round of regular customers. In fact, you could very well expand your business and operate more than one vehicle for extra profit.
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Start a furniture removals business

Start with a large box van and move up to something larger when business increases. You will need to be fit and active if you want to do the lifting yourself, and you`re going to have to pay someone to help you, as many items require at least two people to lift them. Also, keep with you an appointment book and mobile phone until you can employ someone to answer telephone enquiries and arrange appointments. Ensure that you`re properly insured by taking advice from a reputable insurance firm.
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Start a house sitting service

This would be an ideal business for a mobile couple who are not tied down with property of their own. Its a business which involves you living in and looking after other peoples` homes. It`s designed to provide a way for people, who are regularly away from home, to have some measure of security and peace of mind that their property is being looked after and kept in good order. References will be required as proof of your reliability and trustworthiness. This will be easier to substantiate once you have some experience behind you.
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Set up a house cleaning service

House cleaning is a chore that some people hate doing, or simply haven`t got the time or energy to do. A well organised person could start a business hiring out cleaners to do the work for these type of people. You could work on your own, but a far more profitable approach is to employ a number of cleaners on a part-time basis, and keep a percentage of the fee charged, for your business. Work can also be obtained for cleaning offices and shops. Ensure the people you employ are totally trustworthy and good workers. Always pay a fair wage for a fair days work.
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Sunday, 9 September 2012

Offer a ‘timesaving’ service

This would be a service designed for busy people whose lifestyles leave them little time to do the more mundane everyday jobs in life. These might include washing clothes, doing shopping, taking kids to school, house cleaning, walking the dog, cutting the grass, cleaning the dishes, doing the ironing etc. Charge for your services by the hour, and customise your service to suit the requirements of each individual.
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Start your own ironing service

If you don`t mind ironing and you`re good at it, you should consider offering this, often detested chore, as a service to others. You could start by placing an ad in the local paper and display a small poster/leaflet in local shops until you build the desired number of customers. It`s definitely an advantage to be able to drive so that you can offer a collection and delivery service. You can begin from your neighborhood by advertising your business through word of mouth. You will be amazed by the number of people who detest ironing for themselves.
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Provide a bodyguard hire service

Hiring a bodyguard is not just a privilege reserved for the rich and famous. There’s a variety of different types of people from various backgrounds that will be keen and willing to hire a bodyguard for certain occasions and events. These can include politicians, businessmen and women, local celebrities, actors and singers, and even just normal people who are in danger from known enemies and need a trained professional to receive personal protection. There are special bodyguard training courses you can go on if this is something that interests you. Do a search online for ‘bodyguard training course.
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Start a mini bus hire service

This one requires a hefty investment but it is possible to start with just one vehicle and re-invest profits to expand the business. Eventually you could offer a van hire service as well, or start as a van hire company and expand into the mini bus hire. Either way, try to cater for various types of customers, and if you can arrange regular contracts with local businesses then your business will be in a good position for future growth. Your target market may include tourists, students going on tours, travelling groups of people like those going on long journeys and even dropping school children to and from school.
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Hire out marquee tents for special occasions and events

If you can afford to invest in a sizeable marquee tent, you should soon be able to recoup your investment by hiring it out for special functions. Tents can be hire out to wedding functions, burial vigils, introduction ceremonies, parties and political functions. You can also invest in a transportation van if you have the means because it is your responsibility to deliver and pick it from the venue.
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Saturday, 8 September 2012

Print I.D. cards in laminated plastic

Photo business cards and club membership cards can easily be produced using a good home computer and printer. With the right kind of software, a supply of materials and a small affordable laminator, you can be in business in no time. Canvas schools, small businesses and clubs with a good selection of samples to gain orders. Eventually, you may get enough repeat business to concentrate solely on the design and print work. You could then employ a rep to expand the business further.
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Thursday, 6 September 2012

Start a business hiring out wedding clothes

This would include wedding gowns, bridesmaid dresses, top hat and tails for the groom and best man, and kilts, for those who prefer the tartan touch. Advertise in the newspapers, on radios, TV and appropriate magazines.
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Set up a secretarial services agency

Hire out qualified secretaries on a temporary basis as well as offering a typing and photocopying service. This could include specialised letters such as legal documents, debt collection letters etc., for which there are ready-made templates available. Plus, a service for preparing correctly formatted manuscripts for authors, typesetting services for direct mail letters and other publicity material, and any number of other general activities that a secretary or typist is called on to do. Advertise your services to local businesses through direct mail and Yellow Pages.
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Buy and rent out decorating tools and equipment

Items for hire should include smoke machines, bubble machines, walkways, carpets, arches, tables, chairs, tents, baskets,  steam wallpaper strippers, folding stepladders and planks, paste tables, paint sprayers and small scaffolding platforms. Advertise in the local press classified ad section or make use of social media platforms.
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Start a barbecue hire service

A lot of people who would like to have a barbecue, perhaps for a special function or party, don`t always have the skills or equipment to deal with a lot of people. With a good quality mobile barbecue, and a suitable chef`s outfit, you could hire yourself out and ensure the party is a huge success. Your services could also include supplying a selection of mouth-watering barbecue food products.
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Learn to become a chauffeur

There`s still a surprisingly wide range of opportunities to take advantage of in this enjoyable vocation. An ever  increasing amount of wealthy people emerging on to the scene, who require personal drivers due to busy schedules,  loss of licence, no driving experience, or perhaps the lack of inclination to drive themselves, means there will always be an opening for this type of job.
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Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Provide a badge printing service

Badge printing machines can vary in price from the easily affordable to the extremely expensive, but if you’re starting out on a low budget then it’s still a potentially good business. You can start small and grow as the profits start to come in. Pin badges come in various sizes and are still fairly popular. Once you have established a steady flow of customers selling button badges you could also move on to plastic ID badges which are often needed for special events and exhibitions. Direct card printers are available that print directly on to the card surface. Other types of printer include re-transfer printers which print onto a re-transfer film which is then heat laminated onto the card surface All types of printer and materials can be sourced online.
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Design and print a range of academic and sports certificates for clubs, schools and training centres

Your home computer and inkjet printer is all you need to get started. When possible, also obtain a laminator for laminating certificates up to A4 size, and a guillotine for trimming the edges. Promote your designs and a custom design printing service by direct marketing and through social media to suitable prospects.
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Wedding stationery is always in demand, so why not design your own?

Start small by using your home computer and printer, to offer a cheaper alternative to the expensive stationery supplied through printing firms. Use the best cards and papers you can obtain however, to achieve a professional finish. Once established, consider purchasing a hot foil printer and eventually a lithographic printer.
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Personalised stationery makes a really nice gift for someone who loves to write

If you can dream up some unique or unusual designs for letterheads, cards and envelopes, then bring it all together in a nice attractive package, you could quickly gain orders by selling them through gifts shops and stationery outlets. Study the market and see what`s available, then imagine how you could make something better.
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Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Start a website that caters for people requiring rented accommodation

There`s thousands of people at any one time seeking a place to rent, including students and people working away from home. In most cases these people will have access to the internet, either at college, university, or at home. A site that lists places of  accommodation would be very useful in helping people in these categories to find a place to stay. Charge a small advertising fee to landlords to make the site pay its running expenses. Just imagine if you have a web site where university students can find affordable hostels and rentals for all the universities in Uganda.
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Buy and sell used computers

There are many companies who often need to replace their computer systems with new and more powerful models. The old ones, which in reality, may only be one or two years old, are then sold off at low prices. By contacting various firms and educational establishments, and letting them know that you buy unwanted computers in lots of five or more, you can often pick them up at bargain prices. They can then be cleaned up and sold for a profit. Liquidated stock and computer auctions are also a source of cheap computers. If possible, test each one before buying to make sure they`re working correctly, and re-sell through classified ads. Many ordinary Ugandans cannot afford a new computer and can willingly pay for a used one. Many people have already reaped big from this and you too can become part of this highly  profitable business.
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Use your computer and printer to make artistic prints

Modern colour inkjet printers and laser printers are capable of producing excellent quality prints these days, good enough to sell if the subject is interesting enough. These prints can then be framed and sold to friends and other customers. You can produce your own designs for example meanings of people's names, business cards, wedding or introduction cards. Just a little knowledge in a program like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Publisher or Microsoft Office Publisher can help you jump start this.
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Learn computer programming

There`s a huge demand for people with good programming skills. Particularly those with knowledge of Perl, C, Java, Javascript and Html. Courses are widely available, and finding a job in this field shouldn`t be a problem for candidates who succesfully qualify.
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Got a website? Earn money as an affiliate

Join an affiliate program to promote the products and services of established merchants on your website. You do this by adding their advertising banners and text links to your site. A personal recommendation usually works the best. You can earn commissions ranging from 3% up to a massive 50% depending on which affiliate scheme you join.
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Sunday, 2 September 2012

Offer a personalised portrait sketching service

This would involve drawing pencil sketches from photographs of people or pets. Working from a photograph is generally easier, quicker and more convenient than drawing from a live model. Taking the photographs yourself would enable you to get a suitable pose and a good enough photograph to work from. Finished sketches can be framed, mounted and individually signed by the artist. If you`re a good artist you can do all the work yourself, if not, employ a talented art student to do the sketches for you.
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Produce a set of designs for house names and numbers

Paint them on sliced wooden logs and varnished. Alternatively, have moulds made to reproduce a wide range of designs that are easy to cast and paint. Have an attractive colour leaflet designed and place them door to door. You could also stack them in a display rack in garden centres that are willing to sell your products.
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Start your own escort agency

It`s not as seedy as it sounds. Some people are quite willing to pay for a friendly or attractive partner to accompany them to a special event, or simply for the company during a pleasant evening out. It will not be part of the agent`s service to provide escorts for any other reason. A specified fee will be paid by the client, from which a percentage will be paid to the escort. Attractive people with a friendly personality should be taken on, and be able to be available when requested at short notice. Advertise your service in the personal ad columns of selected magazines.
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Become an agent for sports personalities

Certain types of sports people often need an agent to arrange publicity events for their clients, as well as matches and inclusion in tournaments. As with the film and theater business, an in-depth knowledge of how the business works, as well as useful contacts, is desirable, if not essential. Start by looking out for new talent that could benefit from your experience and knowledge. Retain a list of useful contacts. In particular, good trainers who can help develop your clients skills to a high professional level. Just imagine if you were the agent for our lone Olympic gold medalist Kiprotich what you would be making at this moment.
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Become an agent for a loan company

Excellent commissions can be made from helping people arrange loans and mortgages. Your main task will be taking phone inquiries, gathering information and filling in application forms. To get started you will need to contact a loan firm that uses independent agents. You will also need to pay for a licence to operate as an agent. Once established, advertise in your local and regional newspapers.
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Saturday, 1 September 2012

Set up a modelling agency

Having a good knowledge of what different magazine publishers require from a model and having a good eye for the right type of people could make this the ideal business. As an agent you will be responsible for finding work for the models by presenting them to designers, photographers, and ad agencies. An agent is also responsible for booking the jobs, billing the client, and eventually paying the models for their time. By finding the clients and handling all the details, the advantage to the model is that they can focus on modelling and not on the business end of things. This is currently one of the fastest growing industries in the country so do not be left out.
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Become an agent for actors and actresses

An intimate knowledge of film and theatre production companies is a pre-requisite of this kind of business opportunity. It`s not the easiest vocation to break into, but those with determination and a flair for dealing with people, could find this business immensely enjoyable. Getting a foot in the door won`t be easy. Try to gain experience first with an established agency. Learn the ropes then branch out on your own. Take advantage of the growing film industry in the country.
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Become a freelance sales agent

There`s a lot of companies who are willing to use freelance sales agents, particularly if they only pay you a
commission when you make a sale. If you have a gift for selling, you should consider working for three or four different companies, providing they don`t have any rules or objections against you representing other firms. As a freelance agent this shouldn`t be a problem providing there are no conflicts of interest. Representing different companies who offer the same type of goods or services will not be acceptable. Start by writing a letter to various firms who might consider your services. Many MLM (multi-level marketing) firms will be agreeable. Also contact companies selling items like computers, insurances and mortgages.
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Start an employment agency

Keep updated records of a whole range of companies who can contact you when they need to find new staff. Also keep records and cv`s of anyone who is seeking work in a particular type of job. When you have a match between job vacancy and job seeker, contact both parties to make suitable interview arrangements. Computerised records will streamline the whole process. Charge a suitable fee to employers for your service or apply for government funding. You can even go online with a website for example or a blog like greatugandajobs.
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Start A Follow Up Service

Starting a follow up service is one of the hottest businesses you can start and there is very little or no competition in most local areas. This type of business cost very little to get started. The opportunities are endless. You’ll earn money from business owners who know the importance of keeping in contact with their customers.

What Is A Follow Up Service?
A follow service offers solutions for small business owners who want to keep in contact with new and existing customers. In most cases, the “Follow Up Specialist” develops a series of letters to send customers on behalf of the business owner. Follow up services can also offer additional services, including telephone calls and sending cards on special occasions. Small business owners love this service because they don’t have to do it themselves or hire additional staff. Owners of a follow up service enjoy the profits from a simple low cost business that is easily operated from a home office. In a nutshell, a follow up service is a win-win situation for all parties involved.

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