Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Make money with a digital printer

Personally this is one of my favorite business ideas which very profitable in Uganda, offering digital printing services to others. In Uganda, everything to do with printing was synonymous with Nasser Road. However the trend has began to change. Now you can make money offering printing services in any place .

There is a lot of material which needs printing currently. From school examinations to calendars to portraits, personalized messages,flyers,posters, CD/DVD labels key holders,business cards, introduction carnations, wedding cards. You can make a size-able amount of money with a digital printer. You do not need to be with graphics skills, many people do their own graphics but require printing services.
There are many brands of digital printers like HP, Canon and Konica Minolita Business Hub. You can get these in electronics shops in Kampala at about 13 millions. Or you can get a reconditioned one from abroad at about 7 millions. And if you do your paperwork right and you place your printer in strategic location your money will be recovered within a short period of time. You need equipment like the printer itself, a personal computer, card reader, laminating machine, UPS, office furniture and space. The viability of this business ideas has made even reputable firms making printers like Canon to set up stores in Uganda.

Just imagine printing A4 size paper goes for about 500/=shs and A3 1000/=shs depending on your location. Imagine if you can print about 100 A4s in a day what amount you can be making in a week other factors constant. These printers can print on most types of printable paper and prices may vary. You can also make extra income by doing graphics for clients before printing for them, laminating and framing.

Personally this is one of my favorite business ideas which very profitable in Uganda, offering digital printing services to others. In Uganda, everything to do with printing was synonymous with Nasser Road. However the trend has began to change. Now you can make money offering printing services in any place .

There is a lot of material which needs printing currently. From school examinations to calendars to portraits, personalized messages,flyers,posters, CD/DVD labels key holders,business cards, introduction carnations, wedding cards. You can make a size-able amount of money with a digital printer. You do not need to be with graphics skills, many people do their own graphics but require printing services.
There are many brands of digital printers like HP, Canon and Konica Minolita Business Hub. You can get these in electronics shops in Kampala at about 13 millions. Or you can get a reconditioned one from abroad at about 7 millions. And if you do your paperwork right and you place your printer in strategic location your money will be recovered within a short period of time. You need equipment like the printer itself, a personal computer, card reader, laminating machine, UPS, office furniture and space. The viability of this business ideas has made even reputable firms making printers like Canon to set up stores in Uganda.

Just imagine printing A4 size paper goes for about 500/=shs and A3 1000/=shs depending on your location. Imagine if you can print about 100 A4s in a day what amount you can be making in a week other factors constant. These printers can print on most types of printable paper and prices may vary. You can also make extra income by doing graphics for clients before printing for them, laminating and framing.

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