Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Video tape to DVD converting

Many people still have VHS tapes. However that technology is already outdated. And some still use video cameras which use VHS tapes. You can make some quick money starting a business converting from video tapes to DVD.

Video tapes deteriorate within 3 years whether they are constantly played or not. But a DVD can last for a longer period of time. Also many people would like to back up their memorable moments on their computers which cannot be possible with VHS tapes. All that is required is a VCR, conversion software like Nero Burning ROM and a computer with a DVD Writer. A new DVD Writer like LG goes for about 70,000/= Ug SHS and comes with a free copy of Nero inside.

You will need to buy an analogue-to-digital converter which connects the VCR and the computer. The computer has to be with a TV card installed inside to be able to do this. Some editing skills are required because video tapes have more storage capacity than a DVD. Converting one video tape can earn you as much as 20,000/ Ug SHS and it takes a few hours. You can do this for individuals and video camera recorders. The good thing is that you can do this together with another related business like video editing, graphic designing and bulk DVD duplicating.
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Do shopping for others

Not every one of us is fortunate enough to have enough free time. Many corporate people do not have the time to do simple chores like shopping for necessities. Others can but can afford to enjoy the luxury of paying others to do the chore for them. How about you take up that task.

You can begin offering a service doing shopping for busy people. Good ethical standards are required for this kind of work. You need to set up a standard fee for each shopping trip. Or you can set a monthly charge for your regulars. The more you shop for them the more you will get to discover what they often need. That can help you negotiate for bargains at retailers'. What you need to offer is quality service and you will begin to see more customers coming your way.
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Sunday, 14 October 2012

Advertise houses for rent on a website

One of the fastest growing industries currently is real estate. The growing population is creating room for more people seeking accommodation. A lot of people do not have their own houses. There fore there are out there looking for affordable houses for rent and buy.

Why not make their search easier by coming up with a website dedicated to houses for rent. Change the trend of broker available sign posts everywhere. Individual brokers make a lot of money by charging both the house owners and the customers. They are entitled to a percentage from what the customer is to be charged for rent. Even the customer is charged fees like house inspection.

A web site could change all that. You need to get in touch with people with houses for rent or sale. An agreement can be met on how much you will be paid for your service. As part of the service you could offer to take interior and exterior photographs of the houses being advertised. Vital information concerning the property should be included for the customers. Price, location, size, proximity to social amenities and any terms of the property owner. This would help guide the customer's judgment.

As the site owner, you would be earning from each property taken through your service. You could also earn through other advertising programs on your site like contextual advertising. All you need is to get a data base of houses indexed properly by location, size and price. With time your services will grow among the many people seeking houses and property owners.
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Saturday, 13 October 2012

Chauffeur disabled people

Uganda has a lot of people with disabilities, you can take advantage of this with a business idea of offering chauffeuring services to people with disabilities. Can you imagine the number of people with physical disabilities in your community. Most times these members of our societies face problems with moving from place to place. Disabled people have the capacity to acquire their own vehicles but their physical condition deters them.

How about you start offering them a chauffeuring service. You need to market and maintain a data base of your customers. Your company may be contracted to chauffeur these people to different places. These can be to and from places of work, vacations and other travelling obligations.

You need to acquire suitable vehicles that can accommodate their demands. For example you need to have vans that have space for wheel chairs and crutches. All you need is to keep track of your regular customers. These can even contract you on a permanent basis depending on your service. Contracting a chauffeur is more cost friendly than buying a personal car and hiring a driver. This can become a viable of income to many unemployed youths in Uganda.
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Monday, 8 October 2012

Record memorable events on DVD

Every one of us would like to keep those memorable events in our lives. A lot of events happen in our lives which we do not want to let go. Why not make some money out of keeping those moments unforgettable. Money can be made through recording memorable events on DVD and selling them at a fee.

All you need to do is to be around when that event happens. You have to be well equipped with a nice video camera to catch those moments. Big events like musical concerts, album launches, ceremonies, celebrations, cultural functions and public events. Which Ugandan would not like to keep seeing that memorable Tuesday 9th October 2012 when the country marks its 50th independence celebrations. Or the historical match between Ugandan Cranes and the Zambian national team which took the Africa Nations Cup in 2012.

What one requires is some good camera recording technics to capture the events as they unfold. Some video editing skills and software. A registered company to copyright your work in order to beat counterfeits. A personal desktop computer can be used to transfer the video on to a DVD . A duplicating machine can be used to produce copies in bulk. This can easily be bought in computer shops in the city. Nicely designed labels and covers using software like Adobe Photoshop and Nero cover designer. These can be printed with a simple desk-jet printer to add value to your work. A finished DVD can fetch you more than 15,000/=SHS yet an empty DVD goes for about 700/shs.

People who missed out on the event will highly demand your services. Customers may also include tourists, Ugandans in the diaspora, media houses,schools,and home owners for their entertainment.
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Thursday, 4 October 2012

Earn from gabbage

Have you ever imagined how much you can earn from waste material. Waste disposal management is a very big problem in many homes. Even businesses accumulate a lot of wastes which need to be disposed off. These may include used paper, empty soda and mineral water bottles. Homes have wastes like food peelings, tins, polythene bags, paper bags and old clothing material.

You can earn big through all that. Imagine turning one's waste into your own gold mine. For example Nabugabo Updeal Joint Venture charges every shop in Kampala 9,000/=SHS every month. That is for collection of their garbage. Just imagine Kampala has more than 20 shopping malls. And each mall has more than 100 shops. Multiply that by the amount and see how much garbage collection is worth.

In the city outskirts, homes are charged 500/SHS. for garbage collection. However, this service is missing out in many places. Just imagine how many homes each village has. All you need is a collection team, trucks and a disposal area.

More earnings may come if you can sort out the garbage. There are firms which recycle mineral water bottles and polythene bags. You can serve them with raw material. And organic waste like food peelings can be used to produce bio-gas. This is a natural source of fuel. Waste paper can be used to make paper bags and egg trays. See more earnings from people's garbage!!!
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