Friday, 31 August 2012

Establish an agency for talented photographers

Sell their work on commission on the internet, or directly to publishing houses who require stock photographs. Specialising in particular subjects, for example, fashion modelling, motor car racing, trains, motorbikes, fishing, travel, etc., would be the easiest way to get started. There are many freelancing photographers who sell their photos to media houses.
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Start your own dating agency

Use your computer to store details of clients` interests, personal qualities, likes and dislikes plus a recent photograph. Arrange by phone/email for compatible members to meet. Charge an annual membership fee or service fee for each arranged date. You can even make up a dating website like and
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Start a famous `lookalike` agency

Advertise for people who look very similar to well known personalities. Anyone who has more than a passing resemblance to high profile movie stars, tv stars, pop singers or even politicians should be considered and added to your books. Lookalike stars can be hired out for special functions, private parties, advertising, promotions, grand openings, and even films. As their agent you will need to work hard to find them jobs, but a reasonable commission should give you the incentive.
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Set up an agency for new artists and illustrators

Find work for them by arranging general exhibitions to promote their work and contacting suitable organisations and businesses who may consider using their talents. e.g. to illustrate promotional products, paint interior murals, etc. Also have a selection of prints made to sell through shops selling inexpensive art prints and original art.
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Start your own agency for entertainers

Up and coming pop groups, singers, comedians, magicians and various other speciality acts could all benefit from your services. You must be well organised and have a good knowledge of clubs and other venues. as well as an eye for talent. Visit the clubs regularly, talk to acts which you would like to represent, make an appointment with them to discuss business arrangements, and leave them your business card.
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